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Metty Meta Tag Maker

For 30 meta tags on Web pages do.


"Makes for 30 meta tags on web pages."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Search engines use meta data in this year has changed, but the web page for information about the index meta tags, content type, such as review topics and authors. Metty Freeware Meta Tag Maker with simple form input the information you want, then let all the meta tags you create rates. Once the meta tags is generated, an HTML file to copy and paste the meta tags into new or imported HTML file or meta tags in place. No knowledge of meta tags and meta tags Metty Freeware Meta Tag Maker is required to create. Note: This is by filling out a simple form fields to create HTML meta tags
Online meta tag generator XHTML updated version addressing bookmark.
Support for 33 meta tags.
Importing an existing HTML file, the hard-drive or web.
Add meta tags and save into HTML file is created.
use as a template to save as a file label.
Limited support for Dublin Core meta tags. Metty Meta Tag Maker 1.31 Now you can download free.

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